Zach - July-August 2008 click here to go to Zach's Sept-Oct '08 page

Happy mommy with her happy half-breed. Happy Canada Day, everybody! 07/01/08

"Wave the flag, Zach. No, the flag!" :=D 07/01/08


...I failed to get a picture of him decked out in his July 4th best, So here's another Canada Day one, instead! (He's singing "O Canada," although it could just as well be "Oh, say, can you see?"! :=) ) 07/01/08

Fun with Grammy! 07/08/08

With Grampa - looking at... the garbage truck? 07/09/08

Zach, "walking" his car. (His playing-alone times are highly valued! :=) ) 07/14/08

Zach playing in the sand at Daytona Beach! 07/23/08

He isn't entirely sure how he feels about the ocean... (It turns out he isn't wild about it, alas!) (The pool is a different story altogether - and unfortunately we have no still pictures of it! :=P ) 07/23/08

Zach is not visibly thrilled by driving the rented cart. (Once again, too cool to smile?? What's up with that?!) 07/26/08

Fun with second cousin Adam (4yrs) 07/26/08

Zach had a case of "the runs" - run-run-run along the beach, turn around, run-run-run back,... 07/26/08

Exhibit 'B' :=) 07/26/08

Back home again, Zach discovers the joys of drawing with sidewalk/driveway chalk! 08/01/08

Zach is 2 months shy of 2 years!! :=O 08/10/08


22 mos and growing like a weed! See comparative chair pics here 08/10/08

A fun visit with cousin Diana ! 08/17/08

Not nearly as fun as the pool in Daytona Beach, but at least it's something,... 08/18/08

Jenn's two favourite boys :=) 08/19/08


Tickle attack ! :=) 08/19/08


Zach "flicking" marbles 08/22/08

Poor sicky Zach :=( 08/23/08

:=( So cuddly when he's sick, alas ! 08/23/08

    click here to go to Zach's Sept-Oct '08 page